Comprehensive Back-Office
Management with LiveBOS
LiveBOS seamlessly integrates all aspects of your store operations, from inventory and pricebook management to vendor EDI and customizable reporting. Our goal is simple: to increase your bottom line with a back office system that is customized to your needs.
Streamline Your Back Office
Pricebook and Inventory Management
Maximize your profits and minimize your stress with our comprehensive pricebook, streamline your inventory control, and improve inventory performance.
Multi-Item Promotions Management
Say goodbye to incorrect pricing, shoddy inventory control, and a lack of insight into multi-item promotions. With LiveBOS, you can easily set up and maintain your mix-and-match deals.
Fuel Management
From delivery to sales, to cost and margin tracking, to automated fuel reconciliation reports, our solution gives you real-time visibility into your fuel inventory.
EDI - Electronic Data Integration
Save time and effort by electronically importing your supplier invoices to LiveBOS via the cloud. Our seamless integration makes it easy.
Cigarette/Tobacco Reporting
Seamlessly integrate your cigarette sales data and electronically submit it to tobacco manufacturers to take advantage of numerous tobacco rebate programs.
QuickBooks Accounting Interface
Our QuickBooks interface simplifies your accounting to help you make informed decisions with confidence, with features such as customizable financial reports and automated data entry.
How LiveBOS Helps You
An organized and easy-to-use back office system is critical to the success of your business. With LiveBOS, you can say goodbye to the common frustrations that come with managing your daily operations. Our streamlined solution saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on what really matters.
Increase Your Bottom Line
Our solution gives you complete and transparent insight into all aspects of your operations, allowing you to minimize shrinkage and waste while identifying key areas where you can increase profits.
Take Immediate Action
Our easy-to-understand reports provide the data you need to quickly identify bottlenecks in your inventory and store performance, so you can make meaningful improvements to your business.
Centralize Your Operations
LiveBOS is an integral module of LiveWatch Central, the ultimate operations problem solver. LiveWatch Central integrates all aspects of your operations into one convenient place.

POS Partner Integration

Whether your POS system is Verifone's commander, Gilbarco's Passport, Dresser Wayne's Nucleus, or others, we can connect with your data. Have questions about other POS Systems?
Let's talk about it.

Put your POS data to work now!

Schedule a free demo of the LiveWatch Central platform to learn how LiveCam and its POS interface can help you end your operations challenges.